Social world self-spreading








Bekh Y. Social world self-spreading / Y. Bekh. Kyiv-Krakow, 2012. – 219 p.













Problem of the genesis, establishment, operation and development of the social world has been the subject of research over a hundred of scientists since the ancient times. However, it has not lost relevance nowadays. Therefore, in order to predict its further development it is necessary to justify the methodological framework. This is how we regard this research work, where the unity of nature, man and society is justified. The very essence of the processes of social world evolution is a phenomenon of cosmic scale.

Thus, the first phase of the study examines the important concept of work – the “model of social world evolution”, highlights the scientific approach of the study and the author’s methodological paradigm of the research.

Later, in the second stage, the philosophical description of social phenomena is presented at the various levels of self-motion of the universe, i.e. micro-, macro-and mega-level. The next step is consistent analysis of subjects, elements of the process of generation of the social world and its system products: society, the society, the noosphere. It is followed up by the reproduction of their morphological parameters and functional properties. The algorithm of social world evolution appears as a three-step process in which the human community through its own activity regulates the morphological structure of the universe, thus greatly reducing its entropy.

In the third stage is the projection of the holistic model of the social world evolution and its mediators which are marked in transition from the lowest to the highest level. For the model validation analysis a scheme formed in accordance with the chosen criteria.

The research is finalized with the analysis of the main processes and products of the social world evolution in the space of the social organism of Ukraine. It is concluded that the Ukraine to fully self-propulsion and active functioning of all levels of the social world evolution countries need to create a single image of the future of Ukraine.

This work may be of interest to researchers, educators, graduate students, masters, students who are engaged in research philosophy, sociology, political science, management theory, but also for anyone interested in social issues.